Linguistic, Educational, and Intercultural Research 2021
The Arqus European University Alliance, Leipzig University (Germany) and The Institute of Foreign Languages Faculty of Philology, Vilnius University (Lithuania) invites you to the 8th International scientific conference “Linguistic, Educational, and Intercultural Research 2021”, October 21-22, 2021. The conference will be held online.
- Linguistic Research: Cognitive Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Corpus Linguistics, Lexicology, Meta-lexicography, Discourse studies/ Language in the Media, Public and other Types of Discourse
- Language Teaching and Learning: Language Acquisition, Language Testing and Assessment, Language Teacher Education, Language Teaching Methodology
- Innovation in Language Teaching and Learning: Online Language Teaching and Testing, Language Curriculum Development and Syllabus Design
- Language Policy: Multilingualism, Languages and Rights, Minority and Regional Languages
- Intercultural Education and Research
- Literary Research