Sustainable Multilingualism 2023

03-14-2023 at 2:10 PM

The Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU IFL), in cooperation with the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LTAL), is organising the 7th international scientific conference “Sustainable Multilingualism 2023”, which will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania, on June 9-10. Abstracts are accepted until April 1.

The tradition of sustainable multilingualism at VMU

The international conference “Sustainable Multilingualism 2023” is the seventh conference organised by VMU IFL and LTAL, which aims at bringing together language policy makers, language and plurilingual competence researchers, language teachers, students and anyone interested in discussing and sharing their experiences, insights and perspectives in the key issues of multilingualism.

“The Institute of Foreign Languages is a promoter of the tradition of multilingualism at VMU, contributing to this mission through its direct work, offering and facilitating the learning of more than 30 languages for the university, city and national community. In addition to that, we also fulfil this mission through our international activities, bringing together foreign and Lithuanian scholars to solve common problems. Almost 200 scholars from all over the world come to the conference organised every two years. This includes both established scholars with extensive experience and those who are just starting their careers, such as former or current VMU students,” explains Prof. Dr. Nemira Mačianskienė, the chair of the scientific committee of the conference “Sustainable Multilingualism”.

Sustainable Multilingualism 2021

03-16-2021 at 10:46 AM

The Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU IFL), in cooperation with the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania, organizes the 6th International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Multilingualism” (Lith. Darnioji daugiakalbystė). The Conference will be held online on June 4-5, 2021. Abstracts are submitted by April 1.

FIPLV/NBR Conference “Future of Languages”

04-14-2020 at 1:31 PM


Dear all.

The unfolding corona virus (COVID-19) crisis has significantly affected all our lives in the past few weeks. As authorities work to contain the spread of the virus, many national and international events have been postponed. Due to continued uncertainties, the organizers of the conference, Future of Languages 2020, due to take place in Reykjavík, Iceland, this coming June, have decided to postpone the event until next summer.

The NBR/FIPLV biannual conference Future of Languages will therefore be held in Reykjavík, Iceland, June 10 and 11, 2021. The published program and registrations will be transferred to the 2021 event. 

By January 2021, the organizers will re-send the call for papers and request re-confirmation from registered participants who have already paid. Accepted papers will also be transferred to next year’s conference.

Should participants wish to withdraw from the conference, 75% of the registration fee will be refunded. The remaining 25% will cover expenses already incurred. For a refund, please write to before May 31, 2020.

We regret that it has come to this, but we must consider participants’ health and well-being. We look forward to welcoming you to Iceland in 2021.

With best regards.

Dr. Hólmfríður Garðarsdóttir
President of STÍL
Chair of the organizing committee

Call for Papers

The conference Future of Languages will take place in Reykjavík, Iceland, in 2020. The venue is at the University of Iceland, “Veröld – the home of Vigdís” building, named after Iceland´s former president, Madame Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the first and only UNESCO Ambassador of Languages. The program will be partly theoretical and partly practical as we join forces to learn from each other’s experiences and practices, while simultaneously gaining knowledge about future perspectives and challenges. Panels will be organized in different languages, even if English will be the main language of communication.

The daily program will open and close with a plenary lecture, while numerous parallel sessions will operate simultaneously within the same building. Suggestions for outstanding speakers are still welcomed (send to

Sustainable Multilingualism 2019

11-13-2018 at 10:43 AM

24-25 May, 2019
Kaunas, Lithuania

The conference aims at bringing together scholars and language education professionals to share their research insights and discuss the issues relevant to the development of individual and societal multilingualism, including language policy, linguistic human rights, plurilingual pedagogy and language education in higher education.

The FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region (NBR) Conference 2018 “Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects”

06-14-2018 at 4:43 PM

On 7-8 June 2018 the international conference “Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects” organized jointly by the Institute of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology (Vilnius University), Language Teachers‘ Association of Lithuania (LKPA) and the FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region (NBR) took place in Vilnius. The event gathered about 150 participants from more than 20 countries. The aims of the conference were to bring language policymakers, teaching professionals and researchers together for discussions about the mission of teaching in the 21st century, the meaning of teaching quality, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as analyse the aims, needs and perspectives of teaching /learning languages in multicultural environment that could consequently enhance the promotion of democratic citizenship, social cohesion, and intercultural dialogue. The international scientific event was a venue to exchange information and knowledge, share best practices and experiences across national boundaries on teacher training and the enhancement of the development of teachers’ competences that would serve to acquire a better understanding of teaching the New Generation of students. The discussion focused not only about the international practice but also about Lithuania where Lithuanian researchers had opportunities to introduce themselves, share best practices and establish new connections with practitioners and scientists in the field from other countries.