Reading goes on!

04-01-2020 at 11:40 AM

Last Friday Reading Club presents a short report on what has been done / read / discussed so far:

  • The LFRC members meet once a month (every last Friday) to discuss the book of their (democratic) choice. As stated in the Club invitation, preference is given to acknowledged contemporary writers from different countries and different cultures.
  • The first four sessions were held in Menų spaustuvės Infoteka (; the latest session – March 27- was organized in three formats: FB group discussion, Skype chat, e-mail shared notes/impressions.
  • Books and authors:

November 2019 – “Beguni” . O.Tokarczuk  („Bėgūnai”) ;

December 2019 – “El Amante Japones” . I. Allende („Meilužis japonas “)

January 2020 – “Dans le jardin de l’ogre”. L. Slimani („Žmogėdros sode”)

February 2020 – “The Garden of Evening Mists”. Tan Twan Eng („Vakaro Miglų sodas”)

March 2020 – “Geschichte vom alten Kind”. J. Erpenbeck  („Istorija apie seną vaiką”)

  • At present there are 12 members; working languages are Lithuanian, English, Russian, French.

For further information contact Olga Medvedeva