Round-table Discussion on Language Policy in Higher Education

02-24-2017 at 1:17 PM

On January 20, 2017 Lithuanian State Language Commission together with the Institute of Foreign Languages of Vilnius University (VU) and Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LTAL) had a round-table discussion “Language Policy in Higher Schools: Objectives, Needs, Benefits.”

The aim of the event was to bring together representatives of Lithuanian institutions of higher education and the Ministry of Education and Science, managers of foreign language institutes, heads of the departments of Lithuanian and other languages, professionals, and anyone interested in issues of language policy in the area of Lithuanian higher education in order to discuss language policy in the area of higher education in Lithuania.

New President of Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania – Assoc. Prof. Roma Kriaučiūnienė

04-05-2016 at 11:44 AM

dsc02567Assoc. Prof. dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė is the Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages of Vilnius University.

She graduated in the English Language philology from the University of Vilnius in 1985 and she has been teaching at Vilnius University since 1989. In 2004-2008 she was a doctoral student at Klaipėda University (Lithuania) and in 2009 was awarded a doctor‘s degree in Social Sciences (Education) (07 S).

LACS Workshop Held in the European Centre for Modern Languages in Graz

04-14-2015 at 8:27 AM

May 22 – 23, 2015, LACS Workshop took place at the ECML in Graz in a very friendly and stimulating atmosphere with 17 participants representing the UK, Iceland, Canada, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Chroatia, Ireland, Netherlands and Malta.

News from ECML

01-28-2015 at 8:44 AM


Sarah Breslin

Executive Director

The ECML is pleased to announce the official launch of the Call for proposals for the next ECML Programme 2016-2019 „Languages at the Heart of Learning“. The Call was developed in close collaboration with experts and stakeholders in ECML member states and truly reflects current priorities in language education across our member states.

Please consult the dedicated Call website:  for further details. The deadline for submissions to the Call is 1 May 2015.

DIV.ED in Vilnius on the European Day of Languages

10-08-2014 at 1:53 PM

The DIV.ED project was presented during the national event dedicated to the European Day of Languages. The traditional public event, held on the 26th of September 2014 in the courtyard of the Teachers’ House, was organised by the Public Service Language Centre in cooperation with the cultural centres and the Embassies of over dozen states. At the stand of the Lithuanian Language Teachers’ Association the visitors could look at the DIV.ED dissemination materials and get additional information about the DIV.ED products and their applicability presented by Lidija Sipeliene-Valiene, project administrator, Olga Medvedeva, DIV.ED coordinator in Lithuania, Inga Rozgiene, the Lithuanian translator of the  DIV.ED module, Egle Sleinotiene, LKPA president.