A successful launch of the LKPA Reading Club
On 29 November 2019 a group of readers came to Infoteka ( Arts Publishing House) in Vilnius for the first session of the Last Friday Reading Club initiated by O. Medvedeva for LKPA members and for all those who are interested in reviving the well-known tradition of reading and discussing. The new Club, which will focus on reading contemporary authors from different countries, meet on the last Friday of every month. During the first session the readers spoke about their expectations and wishes, such as sharing reflections and self-reflection induced by the read books, exchanging opinions about translation and literary research. All that should differ from common practice of discussing books and authors without having read them!
The first session focused on Beguni by Olga Tokarczuk (BĖGŪNAI. O. Tokarzcuk. V: Rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, 2019, iš lenkų kalbos vertė Vyturys Jarutis), the participants spoke about the interplay between content and form, the peculiarities of the author’s style, and her place among the Nobel and Man Booker prize winners.
The meeting on 27 December will be dedicated to El amante japonés by Isabel Allende (Meilužis japonas. I.Allende.V.: Alma Littera, 2017). All LKPA members are invited to join!
Dr. Ina Dagytė- Mituzienė