Workshop Google Documents, as a Daily Tool: Options you Did Not Know

02-24-2017 at 1:21 PM

On January 25, 2017 Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LTAL) together with the Institute of Foreign Languages of Vilnius University (VU) invited language professionals to a workshop on the innovative educational technologies. The participants were introduced to wide possibilities of practical application of Google documents in the study process, learned how to create multimodal teaching and learning content and attractive motivating educational environment for students of the New Generation, and how to make learning activities more innovative and facilitate collaborative learning.

Round-table Discussion on Language Policy in Higher Education

02-24-2017 at 1:17 PM

On January 20, 2017 Lithuanian State Language Commission together with the Institute of Foreign Languages of Vilnius University (VU) and Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LTAL) had a round-table discussion “Language Policy in Higher Schools: Objectives, Needs, Benefits.”

The aim of the event was to bring together representatives of Lithuanian institutions of higher education and the Ministry of Education and Science, managers of foreign language institutes, heads of the departments of Lithuanian and other languages, professionals, and anyone interested in issues of language policy in the area of Lithuanian higher education in order to discuss language policy in the area of higher education in Lithuania.

The FIPLV Nordic-Baltic region (NBR) Conference 2016 “The Language Teacher and the Teaching (are) at a crossroads”

01-02-2017 at 8:21 AM

NBR 2016 conference, hosted by The Estonian Association of Foreign Language Teachers, took place in Tallinn from 9 June until 11 June. The conference brought together 130 foreign language teachers from 20 countries: Austria, Australia, Bulgaria, Brazil, Finland, France, Hungary, Germany, Estonia, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovenia and Turkey.

Challenges and Success Stories of Teachers‘ Associations

12-15-2014 at 9:38 AM

On the 3rd of December, 2014,  Language Teachers‘ Association  of Lithuania president Eglė Šleinotienė, vice-president Irena Navickienė, and vice-president Ilona Antanina Rinkevičienė took part in the annual event “Challenges and Success Stories of Teachers‘ Associations” organized by the Ministry of Education and Science and Education Development Centre.